
Brand Logo Quiz Ppt

Quiz for MBA students including logos of brands. Logo quiz 119,662 views. Good One Could you please share this PPT at Logo Integrity of Brand Xybernaut A brand has to give a unique identity from each medium. Vr920 Windows 7 Driver Software more. PowerPoint Presentation Author: sidharth Last modified by: Purba. Jul 19, 2012 The advantage is that non-English speakers will have the same information about the brand as everyone else.

This post originally appeared on. To read more content like this,. A few well-chosen words is often all that is needed for a consumer to recall a favorite brand.

Brand Logo Quiz CheatsWorld Brand Logo

But today, marketers and advertisers tend to rely on visual cues -- a font, a color, a spokesperson, or even an icon -- to inspire. Consider this: What phrase do you associate with Nike? Would the brand symbolize the same attitude without their famous 'Just Do It' tagline? There is power in right words. But if you still don't believe me, take our quiz below. Can you guess the brands behind these famous taglines and slogans?

And how do these phrases change the way you think about each company? 1)The happiest place on earth. (Click below to reveal the brand.) 2) Life's Messy, Clean It Up. 3) Leave the driving to us. 4) Betcha can't eat just one. 5) Believe In Your Smellf.

6) The taste of a new generation. 7) A Passion For the Road. 8) We know money. 9) Behold the power of cheese. 10) Get your own box. 11) Does she or doesn’t she? 13) The best a man can get.

14) Don’t dream it. 15) Let your fingers do the walking. 16) When you care enough to send the very best.

Which brands' slogans were the most memorable?

Logos Quiz Screengrab What's in a name? Some companies have decided 'not a whole lot,' at least when it comes to their logos. And, for example, both forgo the company name in their products' design. In the logo's redesign, expecting people to recognize the mermaid sans the name. The advantage is that non-English speakers will have the same information about the brand as everyone else., a mobile game that has topped the charts in the App Store, tests whether brand recall exists without a brand's defining characteristic—its name. It poses an interesting question for marketers, too: Is your brand identity so strong that people can identify it merely from the trade dress, without seeing the name? Using shots from the game, see if you can identify the product without the company name.

Some are easier than others.