
How To Program Pic16f628a Using Pickit2

How To Program Pic16f628a Using Pickit2Pic16f628a Pinout

PICkit 2 and PIC16F628A chip Hi there. I should begin by saying that I really am a complete novice at this—I only barely have an idea as to how all this works, so please bear with me! I recently purchased a PICkit 2 programmer in the hopes of programming a 16F628A chip out of the box, as Microchip's website says that this programmer is compatible with said chip. Unfortunately, I now realise that the Low Pin Count Demo board supplied with the PICkit 2 doesn't work with 18-pin PICs, as Microchip support tell me. Onto my question: what do I need to do to my PICkit 2 to get it to program a PIC16F628A chip? Can I just put something together on a breadboard and attach it, or perhaps I can alter the Low Pin Count Demo board to make that work.? I've really no idea—please help!

Thanks from a newbie in need. Also, would the following device work?

I would probably have to strip the plastic connector from the supplied cable to get it to fit in the PICkit's socket, but it looks compatible otherwise—would it work? Free Build Your Own Ak 47 Pdf Programs more. Without being able to look at the schematic, I cannot say if it would work or not. As a suggestion if you decide to try it: The supplied cable looks female on both ends. Rather than stripping one off I'd suggest just getting a 6-pin single row.1' spaced header with long tails to use as a double-male header to connect the female cable to the female PICkit 2 ICSP. Igi 5 Pc Game Setup more. This is not an endorsement of using that product, however! EX, one of these would cut into 6 6-pin adapters.

ORIGINAL: henryaj Just to elaborate: I already have a compiled.hex file to program onto the appropriate chip, so I only need to use the PICkit Programmer software (rather than the IDE at this stage). When I connect my PIC16F628A chip, the programmer software doesn't detect that there's a chip present, because the Low Pin Count Demo board doesn't support 18-pin PICs as I understand.

PICkit 2 and PIC16F628A chip. Can you please re-post the file/link for how to use the PICkit2 to program the 16F628A? I can't find a local copy of that jpg either. Hi there, This is the right solution for a closed thread named 'Can't Reprogram PIC16F628A with Pickit2'. The PICKIT2 (or PICKIT3) is reading the ID of the.

Thanks again, Henry I have found the rules for using the PICkit2 for In-Circuit-Serial-Programming rather confusing. So, I bought a Radio Shack $3,00 prototyping board and constructed a dedicated PICkit2 programming jig. I installed a 40-pin zero insertion socket and three 6-pin headers. Wires connect each header with the correct 40-pin zif socket pins to do the following: The PICkit2 plugs into header A to program 14, 16, and 20 pin PICs.

The PICkit2 plugs into header B to program 18 pin PICs And, the PICkit2 plugs into header C to program 28 and 40 pin PICs. I installed a second zif socket into an IC socket on the target board. Distributor Modem Zte Jakarta more. Then, while developing a program, the PIC can be quickly transfered between program-jig and target-board.

Per the documentation (Low Pin Count Demo Board User's Guide) the LPC Demo Board only supports 8, 14, & 20 - pin devices. The PIC16F628A is an 18-pin device, and cannot be used with the LPC Demo Board. You can use a 'breadboard' which has connective strips that allow the device and wires to just be 'plugged in' without soldering: solid-core wire should be used with it (not stranded) - this might be worthwhile to get too: Finally, a 0.1' header would be easiest to use to plug the PICkit 2 into the breadboard (then wire the header to the PIC pins). (Sorry, can't find any at Radio Shack) You will need to connect the following signals from the first 5 pins of the PICkit 2 output connector to the PIC16F628A. The '1' pin has the white triangle on the PICkit 2 case pointing to it: (See section 1.5.4 FIGURE 1-2 of the PICkit 2 User Guide for a graphic) PICkit 2 pin PIC16F628A pin 1- Vpp/MCLR MCLR (4) 2- VDD VDD (14) 3- VSS VSS (5) 4- PGD PGD (13) 5- PGC PGC (12) Pin 6 of the PICkit 2 connector is not used. You can find pinout information (what pin number are what) from the datasheet, which can be found on the Microchip website.