
Ms Access Msysobjects Update

I am part of an initiative at my client to upgrade an old database out of Access. The creator of this database wired it up such that the forms are located in a database that he called 'Client' and the Main form contains a connect button.

Hi, For Access 2010, how Can i update connect in msysobjects table? I'm trying to update/edit MSysObjects from a access database with a system DNS ODBC link to a DB2 database. The problem is that DB2 libraries and tables have been. M3 Ds Real Games.

When clicking the Connect button, he executes the following SQL SELECT MSysObjects.Database FROM MSysObjects WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name)='zMaster') AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=6)); When executing this query in the mdb, results are found. Step forward and our DBA has passed the 'Client' through the 'SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access.' We attempt to execute the same Connection logic and the above query returns no records and the designer of the original Access database has this event throw an error with MsgBox MsgBox 'Error: Unable to determine links to file server.' & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & _ 'Contact system administrator for assistance.' , vbOKOnly, 'Link Information Missing' Can anyone explain to me what he might have been trying to do? What is MSysObjects.Type 6?

Is the table zMaster a table built into Access or is it something that he built to a pattern? Any help would be appreciated. My Google-fu is failing me. Ok.after looking through this, 'zMaster' is one of the tables that underwent conversion to a linked table in SQL Server. Its type was changed in the MSysObjects table from 6 to 4 and that is the immediate reason that it was not picking any results up in the query. However, after getting to the bottom of what turned out to be a minor issue, I believe I have identified why the 'zMaster' table exists in the first place. Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Custom Game Map. It is a table that contains a single row with a single bit flag column.

Ms Access Update Table