
Runequest Third Edition Pdf

I don't know if you already have a hardcopy, but if not it shouldn't be too difficult or expensive to get one (because the game was in-print for a long time (over 10 years) and was published by a large publisher (Avalon Hill)). The best bet is probably the 1993 perfect-bound book edition; next best is the 1984 Deluxe boxed set (same text as the 1993 book, just bound differently and including some cheap-o dice and a pretty worthless poster-map of Europe). The 1984 Players Box and Gamemasters Box are less ideal, because you need both of them to get the complete game (the Players Box only contains Books 1 & 2, the GM Box only contains Books 3-5). Be sure to avoid the 1987 'standard edition' blue box which is an incomplete cut-down version of the rules. Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I thought it might work better than starting a new one. Has anything resolved with respect to ownership of this? We've got a new GM who wants to run Runequest (I gave him a bunch of different systems including 4e and 3.5e but he likes Runequest) This is 3rd edition.

Runequest 1st EditionRunequest Rulebook Pdf

Real Environment Xtreme. Ebay is selling these for $50+ and many supplements are in the same range. Now I own a copy, but it would be nice to have more than one around the table. If not, does anyone know of a good 2-3 page introduction to the system out there?

I really don't want to write one. RQ3 is a very different animal from any previous (RQ1/2) or post (Mongoose 1/2) edition of the game. It was the most complex by far, with the most subsystems in the mechanics, including a really whacked sorcery system (even the designers did not use it!) I sold all my RQ2/RQ3 material for BIG bucks 5-6 years ago, including my RQ3 deluxe boxed set, perfect bound complete book, and many of the AH Glorantha products. The RQ3 rulebooks are very difficult to find for a reasonable price these days, unless you get lucky on ebay. Be aware there is a USA Avalon Hill RQ3 'Standard' rules box (blue), which 5-6 years ago was going for super cheap and was common as it was a condensed version of the most basic RQ3 rules (IOW, no-one wanted it), but the prices have gone up on these too.