
Zdoom Wars

Zdoom Wars

ZDoom Wars “ A ridiculous air-battle on Valley. If you can’t make sense of what you’re looking at, don’t even try and imagine what it SOUNDED like. From the fast offspring of mods and games based on Doom, they now go full circle to be all.

Zdoom Wars

Keep in mind this version has been in development for a while and had several private builds. Directplay Windows 10 64 Bit. Some things listed may not be how they are upon release and I may have accidently omitted logging a change or two. Thanks to all the guys in Mobius' teamspeak. This version wouldn't have happened without you fine gentlemen.

General: -All weapons now have their appropriate tag names and no longer default to 'Shotgun' -Now every monster that drops blue mana upon death (minus the mine) will have an HPBar. Money And Banking A Policy-oriented Approach Pdf. Should have done this one years ago -Doubled the height of mana, and item pickups from the default 16 to 32 -Restored the original Chaingunner attack sound, Cyberdemon walk sound, Spider Mastermind walk sound, and Arachnotron walk sounds -Added in BRIGHT to all the lighting sprites used in the main pk3. This includes all the torches, lights ect.

Also added in missing GLDefs to a few said objects -Now when a hero is made a message will be logged to console indicating said monster. Colors have been applied to the text to further tell 'em apart as well -New Translations: Arch-Vile(All), Crusaders(All), Doom Imp(C), Lost Soul (G,R), Cacodemon(Y),Iron Lich(Y), Afrit (B, G, R, S),Hexen Bishop(all(including making the blur shadowed(but not painstate. UGH.))), Wendigo (R, Y), Meshwalker(Y), Hexen Teleporter(all), Strife Teleporter(all), Team Teleporter(all) Balance: -Spawned monsters now face the same direction in which they were summoned. This actually radically improves the AI of the mod -If you hold down fire when using the teleporter, the second projectile file will be a ranged one. This applies to all classes with the except for Virus -Implemented something I'd like to call the 'XDeath Rule' across the entire mod. What this means is if a low tier monster that can be revived gets gibbed, they can no longer be revived as the corpse has been destroyed. This isn't too different than what Doom has already had to begin with only now it's applied to every class.

However, Mid-Tier monsters are the exceptions to this 'rule.' Chaingunners, Cacodemons, Undead Knights, Wraiths, Chaos Serpents, Swamp Stalkers, Templars, Reavers, Order Turrets, Quadrumpus, Stridicus, and Mills can still be revived despite a gibbed death. Eventually a lot of monsters will have attacks that are guaranteed to gib to help balance this further, but that'll have to wait until a later revision Bugs: -When using max health altering cvars, old limits would still be respected thanks to 'healthing' being super bugged -Hopefully fixed all the projectile in projectile obituary bugs for the Iron Lich, Wendigo, and Barrage Weredragon. Again -Monsters that don't bleed left blood splatters decals on the walls Doom: General: -Spider Masterminds now have fixed sprites which allows them to have clean translations much like the event images. Thanks you NEON for these new sprites! Balance: -Dropped the number of Chaingunners to Revenants to 8, and increased the number of Revenants to Mancubus to 7 -Pain Elemental(Both): Redid Pain Elementals completely. Removed the FRIGHTENED flag completely so they don't run away.