
Bundy Resonite Clarinet Serial Numbers

Bundy Flute Serial Number Chart

My grandpa gave me a Bundy clarinet he said he got used in 4th grade. That was 50 years ago.

I looked online to see how old it is but couldn't find anything. It's such a beautiful wooden clarinet. The serial number is 46808. Could anyone tell me how old it is and if it's worth anything? My grandpa gave me a Bundy clarinet he said he got used in 4th grade.

That was 50 years ago. I looked online to see how old it is but couldn't find anything. It's such a beautiful wooden clarinet. The serial number is 46808. Could anyone tell me how old it is and if it's worth anything? It plays wonderfully and I have the original case for it.

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Bundy flute serial numbers, Bundy Selmer selmer bundy oboe serial numbers, Bundy Resonite Clarinet oboe selmer serial numbers 02974, Bundy Clarinet Serial. Expert: Ken Shaw - 5/24/2012 Question I am. What`s the history behind my Bundy clarinet? Some clarinets are resonite plastic. I got the serial numbers from this website. Bundy resonite horns are. How much is a Bundy Resonite Selmer clarinet serial 806511 worth? In the case of a Bundy clarinet serial numbers do not really matter.

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