
Console Program To Multiply Two Matrix

Matrix multiplication in C language: C program to multiply two matrices. An output of 3 X 3 matrix multiplication C program is shown as an example below.

How to write a Java program to multiply two matrices in Java is a very good programming exercise to get familiar with the in Java. This example teaches about how to multiply arrays, how to access elements from a multi-dimensional array, how to pass them to a function etc. Since the matrix is a natural representation of multi-dimensional array in Java, they are often used to illustrate real word matrix exercises e.g.

C Program To Multiply Two MatricesC Program To Multiply Two Numbers

The calculating sum of two matrices or calculating the difference of two matrices etc. By the way, before writing the program, let's recap how to multiply two matrices in mathematics first. If you remember, you can only multiply two matrices if, and only if, the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of rows in the second matrix. Rei Harakami Selected Re-mix Rar there. That is known as matrix multiplication criterion. If both matrices don't satisfy that criterion then the product of two matrices is undefined.

The Product matrix's dimensions will be equal to (rows of the first matrix) × (columns of the second matrix ). Lollu Sabha Pudhupettai. For example, if we multiply a 2×3 matrix with a 3×1 matrix, then the product matrix or result matrix will be a 2×1 matrix i.e. Two rows and 1 columns. I used to remember this trick by writing dimension of matrices adjacent to each other and canceling their matching dimension e.g. If you write 2x 3 and 3 x1, and then cancel 3 from each side you will get a matrix of dimension 2x1, which is basically the dimension of product matrix. How to multiply two matrices in Java Here is a graphical representation of matrix multiplication algorithm.

You can see that both matrices met the condition for multiplication i.e. Columns of the first matrix are equal to rows of the second matrix. Then we multiply the first row of the first matrix to the first column of the second matrix and this gives us the first element of the first column of result matrix. Similarly, when you multiply the second row of the first matrix to the first column of the second matrix you get the second element of the first column in the result matrix. How to multiply two matrices in Java- Program Here is our complete Java program to perform matrix multiplication. In this program, we first ask the user to enter two matrices.

Since you cannot accept array from the command line in Java (see ), we ask the user to first enter the number of rows and columns of the matrix and then ask him to populate the matrix. Other Java Programming exercises for beginners • How to transpose Matrix in Java? () • How to count vowels and consonants in given String in Java? () • How to reverse an array in place in Java? () • How to reverse a String in place in Java? () • How to check if two rectangles intersect with each other in Java? () • How to implement Linear Search in Java?