
Download He Aac V2 Sample File

The Microsoft Media Foundation AAC decoder is a that decodes the following Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) and High Efficiency AAC (HE-AAC) profiles: • MPEG-2 AAC Low Complexity (LC) profile (multichannel). • MPEG-4 HE-AAC v1 (multichannel) with AAC-LC core.

Download He Aac V2 Sample File

Buy Sonnox Fraunhofer Pro-Codec v2 - Multiple Codec Encode. Allowing for compressing WAV or AIFF files for offline batch. HE-AAC v2 - 18 to 56 kbps. HE-AAC delivers high quality audio at low bit rates and audio-specific metadata support and. HE-AAC v2: 24 to 32 kbit/s Stereo (HE-AACv2.

• MPEG-4 HE-AAC v2 (stereo) with AAC-LC core. The AAC decoder supports both raw AAC streams with no headers and AAC in an audio data transport stream (ADTS). Starting in Windows 8, the AAC decoder also supports decoding MPEG-4 audio transport streams with a multiplex layer (LATM) and synchronization layer (LOAS). It can also convert an LATM/LOAS stream to ADTS. Media Types The AAC decoder supports the following media types.

Input Types The AAC decoder supports the following audio subtypes: Subtype Description Header MFAudioFormat_AAC Raw AAC or ADTS AAC. For this subtype, the media type gives the sample rate and number of channels prior to the application of spectral band replication (SBR) and parametric stereo (PS) tools, if present. The effect of the SBR tool is to double the decoded sample rate relative to the core AAC-LC sample rate.

The effect of the PS tool is to decode stereo from a mono-channel core AAC-LC stream. This subtype is equivalent to MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG_HEAAC, defined in wmcodecdsp.h.

The and the ADTS Parser output this subtype. Mfapi.h MEDIASUBTYPE_RAW_AAC1 Raw AAC. This subtype is used for AAC contained in an AVI file with the audio format tag equal to WAVE_FORMAT_RAW_AAC1 (0x00FF). For this subtype, the media type gives the sample rate and number of channels after the SBR and PS tools are applied, if present.

Wmcodecdsp.h To configure the AAC decoder, set the following attributes on the input media type. Attribute Description Remarks Major type. Must be MFMediaType_Audio. Audio subtype. Refer to the previous description for details. Audio profile and level. Applies only to MFAudioFormat_AAC.

The value of this attribute is the audioProfileLevelIndication field, as defined by ISO/IEC 14496-3. If unknown, set to zero or 0xFE ('no audio profile specified'). Payload type. Applies only to MFAudioFormat_AAC. The decoder supports the following payload types: • 0: Raw AAC. The stream contains raw_data_block() elements only, as defined by MPEG-2. The stream contains an adts_sequence(), as defined by MPEG-2.

Only one raw_data_block() per adts_frame() is allowed. • 3: Audio transport stream with a synchronization layer (LOAS) and a multiplex layer (LATM). Of the three types of LOAS, only AudioSyncStream is supported. The multiplex layer is AudioMuxElement, restricted to one audio program and one layer.

If this attribute is not specified, the default value 0 is used, which specifies the stream contains raw_data_block elements only. Desired bit depth of the decoded PCM audio. Specifies the assignment of audio channels to speaker positions. For more information, see. Number of channels, including the low frequency (LFE) channel, if present. The interpretation of this value depends on the media subtype, as described previously. Sample rate, in samples per second.

The interpretation of this value depends on the media subtype, as described previously. Additional format information.

The value of this attribute depends on the subtype. • MFAudioFormat_AAC: Contains the portion of the structure that appears after the WAVEFORMATEX structure (that is, after the wfx member). This is followed by the AudioSpecificConfig() data, as defined by ISO/IEC 14496-3. • MEDIASUBTYPE_RAW_AAC1: Contains the AudioSpecificConfig() data.

This data must appear; otherwise, the decoder will reject the media type. The length of the AudioSpecificConfig() data is 2 bytes for AAC-LC or HE-AAC with implicit signaling of SBR/PS. Yamaha Popcom Software.