
Odin Has Stopped Working

Only one button, 'Close program' is available to me. What do I do? Further info: I followed the steps in this post to the letter: (which I also verified. My webalizer stopped working, I mean the cron job doesnt run anymore a t 4:07. All other crons work fine.

Hopefully, someone here can help me with this. I'm trying to flash a ROM using Odin. Everything was working fine up until yesterday. Odin can detect the Tab in Normal Boot, and Recovery. But when in Download mode, nothing. Silent Hunter 3 Open Hatch Mod Download.

Odin Has Stopped Working

It seems the USB ports aren't even recognising something is plugged in when the Tab is in Download mode. I've tried using multiple ports/PCs, and still not working. Hours before Odin stopped working, I was flashing MoDaCo's kernel/ROM, and back to original FW + Roto JMI Full ROM. Handy Backup Full.

Can you think of anything I can try to get the Tab working with Odin again? Is it a problem with the USB cable/ports, the PC, or a bad ROM flash? Hopefully, someone here can help me with this. I'm trying to flash a ROM using Odin.

Everything was working fine up until yesterday. Odin can detect the Tab in Normal Boot, and Recovery. But when in Download mode, nothing.

It seems the USB ports aren't even recognising something is plugged in when the Tab is in Download mode. I've tried using multiple ports/PCs, and still not working. Hours before Odin stopped working, I was flashing MoDaCo's kernel/ROM, and back to original FW + Roto JMI Full ROM. Can you think of anything I can try to get the Tab working with Odin again? Is it a problem with the USB cable/ports, the PC, or a bad ROM flash?

I had the same problem, what i did was change to another USB port and then the Galaxy tab was recognized by ODIN. Try as well on another computer (remember to install the drivers 1st).